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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Short: On this day: Attempted coup against Gorbachev, Coco Chanel’s birthday

On August 18, a series of significant historical events have unfolded over the years, each carrying profound implications that resonate even today. This date has seen milestones across various spheres, from economic and political upheavals to cultural revolutions. Take a look:
On this date in history, the East India Company made a notable impact by minting its first rupee coin at the Calcutta mint. Though appearing modest, this coin held substantial historical significance, symbolizing the increasing economic and political influence of the company in the Indian subcontinent.
On August 19, 1991, while Gorbachev was vacationing in Crimea, a group of high-ranking Soviet officials, including Vice President Gennady Yanayev, Defense Minister Dmitry Yazov, and KGB head Vladimir Kryuchkov, initiated a coup.
They declared a state of emergency and formed a “State Committee on the State of Emergency” (GKChP), effectively taking control of the government and announcing that Gorbachev was incapacitated.
The coup began to falter as the resistance grew and the military and security forces, initially loyal to the coup leaders, started to waver. By August 21, the coup had collapsed, and the conspirators were arrested. Mikhail Gorbachev returned to Moscow and resumed his position, but the event had far-reaching consequences.
Coco Chanel, born Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel on August 19, 1883, in Saumur, France, is one of the most influential figures in the history of fashion. Her innovative and timeless designs revolutionized women’s fashion and established her as a towering figure in haute couture.
Key contribution:
The Little Black Dress: Chanel popularized the little black dress, a versatile and elegant garment that became a staple in women’s wardrobes worldwide.
Chanel No. 5: In 1921, Chanel introduced her iconic fragrance, Chanel No. 5. It became one of the most famous and enduring perfumes in history.
Also Read: Christian Dior and Coco Chanel series suffers from poor craftsmanship
Chanel Suit: Chanel’s creation of the Chanel suit, featuring a collarless jacket and a skirt, epitomized sophistication and practicality, freeing women from the constraints of more formal clothing.
Tweed and Jersey: She championed the use of fabrics like tweed and jersey in high fashion, making them popular in both casual and formal wear.
On August 19, 2010, the last U.S. combat brigade departed from Iraq, marking a significant milestone in the Iraq War. This event signalled the end of a major phase of the US military involvement in the country, which had begun with the invasion in March 2003.
On this day in 1934, a pivotal referendum solidified Adolf Hitler’s rise as “Führer und Reichskanzler” (leader and chancellor) of Germany. With an overwhelming 90% approval from German voters, this event effectively entrenched Hitler’s control over the nation and approved the vesting of sole executive power in Hitler. This consolidation of power marked the beginning of a turbulent and devastating era, casting a long and dark shadow over global history.
